Datesheet for End Semester Examination – 2021
Green Campus Ganderbal-191201 (w): www.cukashmir.ac.in
DATE SHEET for End Semester EXAMINATION-2021
[Timing: 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; Friday: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.]
Venue : Respective Department
Click here to Download Date Sheet
Students are hereby informed to fill-in the online End Semester Examination Forms online through the link available
on the University website.
The venue of the Examination shall be the respective Department.
The Supervisory/Support Staff engaged for the conduct of examination are directed not to leave the station during
the examination and shall ensure strict adherence to Social Distancing in particular and Covid-19 protocols.
The Supervisory/Support Staff must ensure appearance of the examinees strictly as per the Eligibility List duly
forwarded by the Department(s) concerned vis-à-vis submission of the requisite fee of the semester concerned and
the examinees shall be allowed only after production of valid University Identity Cards.
The datesheet for the conduct of Skill Enhancement/OGE courses, wherever applicable, shall be notified separately.
The datesheet for the Programme(s)/Semester(s) not notified above, shall be notified only after the receipt of the
requisite information from the Department concerned.
The concerned examinees are advised to remain in touch with the University website www.cukashmir.ac.in for further updates, if any.
(Controller of Examinations)
F. No. CUK/EEW/ESE/ODD-Sem/2021/320
Dated: 27-03-2021
Copy to the:
1. All concerned Dean(s), School(s) of Study for information.
2. All Head(s)/Coordinator(s), concerned Department(s) for information and with a request to inform the
concerned examinees and supervisory & support staff so engaged for the conduct of the said Examination at
their respective Departments.
3. PS to VC for kind information of the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor.
4. PS to Registrar for information of the Registrar.