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Directorate of School Education issues instructions regarding charging of Tuition fee, check details here

Directorate of School Education issues instructions regarding charging of Tuition fee, check details here


DSE Jammu order regarding charging of School tuition fee etc for recognized unaided private schools during Covid-19 period.



Directorate of School Education Jammu Instructions regarding charging of tuition fee etc.



Private schools to charge only tuition fee on monthly basis from the students and were prohibited from charging any other fee from the students. The schools were also allowed to charge annual fee from students on pro-rata basis after the reopening of the schools in proper manner.

Whereas after a detailed review of the current covid-19 situation in Jammu & Kashmir UT, all the schools in UT of J&K have been closed down till 30.04.2021. and;


Whereas, with the commencement of new academic session in schools for 2021-22 the private schools have started demanding the annual charges /admission fee and other charges besides tuition fee from the parents of students enrolled in these schools, and;


Whereas, a number of complaints/ grievances have been received as reported by DSEJ’s Tele counselling helpline “Aao Baat Karein” on daily basis and also through emails regarding the demand of annual charges/ admission charges alongwith the tuition fee by the private schools, and;



Whereas, the Administrative Department vide circular No. 01 -Edu of 2020 dt. 14.05.2020 allowed private schools to charge only tuition fee on monthly basis from the students and were prohibited from charging any other fee from the students. The schools were also allowed to charge annual fee from students on pro-rata basis after the reopening of the schools in proper manner, and;


Whereas, in view of the closure of the schools vide Govt. Order No. 19-JK (DMRRR) of 2021, dt. 15.04.2021 due to the spike in Covid19 positive cases, the demand of annual charges /admission fee etc by the private schools is not justified and is in contravention to the instructions of the Administrative department on the subject.


Therefore in view of the above, it is hereby once again ordered that all the private schools shall strictly abide by the instructions viz-a-viz as laid down in Circular No. 01-Edu of 2020 dt. 14.05.2020 and desist from charging any fee other than that notified in said circular, during the current session in view of the Covidl9 Pandemic or till any further instructions from the Government.


Government of Jammu & Kashmir


Ph/Fax: 0919-2598439, 2598802

Email: [email protected]



i. Govt. Order No. 95-JK (EDU) of 2021, dt. 11.04.2021.

ii. Govt. Order No. 19-JK(DMRRR) of 2021, dt. 15.04.2021.


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