Cluster University Srinagar important Notifications
Gogji-Bagh, Srinagar – 190008Website: Contact No: 01942311340 Email: [email protected]
No. Exam/Internal/CUS/21 Dated: 21-05-2021
Admission Updation Notification
It has been observed that the colleges have not updated their admission details of U.G
2nd, 4th, 6th and I.G 7th Semesters except Govt. College for Women M.A. Road.
This has become the impediment in uploading the internal awards. To ease out the process, theUniversity has framed a following link:
which is also available on the University website through which students can themselves update their admission details.
It is impressed upon all the Principals to direct the concerned to share this link in the
WhatsApp group of the students so that they are able to update their subject combinations.
Further, the officials dealing with the admission be directed to update the admission details in
consultation with concerned DEOs of the University, which shall pave a way to concerned
faculty for uploading the internal awards.
Check out full Notification from here
TheSd/-Controller Examinations
Copy to:
1. Dean Academic Affairs Cluster University Srinagar.
2. All Principals of Constituent and Affiliated Colleges for information.
3. All Deans CUS for information
4. PRO to Vice Chancellor for information of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor.
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