JKSSB Class IV Result Important Update | JKSSB Press Release | Check Here
Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection board today on 22 May 2021 released a Press Notification regarding the Result of Class IV candidates.
This is with reference to the news article titled J&KSSB fails to declare result of fast-track recruitment of class IV posts even after two months, published by Daily Wadi Kashmir News Network on 21% May, 2021 wherein an attempt has been made to create
impression that the J&K SSB has delayed the result of Class-IV Examinations conducted on 27th I 28h February & 1% March, 2021.
It has also been noticed that some vested interests and unscrupulous elements are also using social media platforms and other formation with the digital modes to propagate and promote false and misleading in malicious intent to malign the image of the Services Selection Board.
In all these activities, a common thread can be seen easily – fig leaf of so called ‘delay’ for imputing motives,
with the malicious and levelling baseless allegations and using derogatory language, Board, its leadership
deliberate intention to mislead the people and harm the reputation of and functionaries.
First thing first! All these vile attempts to the image of a credible and reputed institution like Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board will be dealt with time.
The Board and its officers reserve suitably as per the provisions of law at appropriate false, misleading and
the right to seek legal action against any unsubstantiated, willfully or otherwise with
derogatory information that is being spread through any mediation.
Needless to mention that the Services the evil intention of harming their reputable Selection Board and its Chairman on multiple occasions and through variety of media, Il as the aspirants to beware of have made fervent appeals to general public as well used to lure the candidates, and also bring unscrupulous elements and their tantrums, uthorities for necessary any such attempts immediately to the knowledge of the Board a
action under law. and
The Services Selection Board has set highest standards of transparent examinations probity in Recruitment in recent times, by conducting largest ever exam in Kashmir in a hassle-free and successful manner, by setting in the history of Jammu a ress are concerned.
The transparent conduct of new benchmarks as far as pace
Download full Notification from Here
Also Read JKSSB Class IV Result 2021: Merit List, Result Date, All Detaile Here
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