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Cluster University Srinagar Important Notification Check Details

Cluster University Srinagar various important Notifications


Subject: Notice for submission of online examination forms by the students of M.A. Education & M.Ed. (Semester Ist) 




This is for information of the students of M.A. Education & M.Ed.


(Semester Ist) that the link for submission of online examination forms shall be kept open from 15.06.2021 to 20.06.2021. The students are


directed to submit their examination form and deposit the examination fee through online mode as per the following breakup:-


1⃣Notice regarding submission of exam forms for M.A Education and M.Ed (1st Semester)



Subject: Notice for submission of online examination forms by the 


students of B.Tech. Engineering courses (Semester III)




This is for information of the students of B.Tech. Engineering


(Semester III) that the link for submission of online examination forms shall be kept open from 15.06.2021 to 20.06.2021. The students arc directed to submit their examination form and deposit the examination fee through online mode as per the following breakup:-



2⃣ Notice regarding submission of exam forms for B.Tech Engineering Courses (3rd Semester)




Sub:- Notice for backlog PG students of I, II and III Semester (Batch 2017-18). 





All the backlog students of P.G. Programmes Semester I, II and [11


(Batch 2017 and 2018) are informed through the medium of this notice that they shall submit their details as sought on the devised Proforma available on the University website for registration. These details must be submitted by the students within seven days from the date of issue of this notice viz. by or befgre 21.06.2021.



3⃣Notice for P.G Backlog student of 1st, 2nd & 3rd Semesters (Batch 2017 and 2018)



Subject: – Admission Closure Notice for Academic Session: 2021-22. 





Admission process for Academic Session 2021-22 notified under


Admission Notification No’s. 01 & 02 for all Integrated, Honor’s, Professional & UG General Programmes in the Constituent/Affiliated Colleges of the


University shall stand closed from 4’* June, 2021. By the order of Dean Academic Affairs.



4⃣ Notice regarding Closure of Admissions for academic session 2021-22




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