Kashmir university Instructions for the submission of online admission form Before submitting the admission form makes sure you are eligible for the programme and visit the Directorate of Distance Education for verification of original documents before depositing the fee.
Admission granted shall be provisional till the clearance from the registration section of the university is received and submission of hard copy of the admission form is mandatory along with fee receipt.
Selected candidates for Kashmir chapter have to submit admission form at Headquarter DDE KU while as candidates selected for Jammu/Leh/Kargil are required to submit form at respective study centers.
Candidates are strictly advised to give their working email ids and cell number/ WhatsApp number and Adhar Number while submitting the online admission form.Production of all relevant original documents
{Marks Card/s of qualifying examination, Character and Provisional certificates of the Institution last attended (if any) , valid Reserved Category certificate (wherever applicable), Migration Certificate in Original (if applicable ) , and two photographs. Production of eligibility cum revival migration Form wherever applicable along with prescribed fee; (Rs 700/= for Registration cum Eligibility Fee, Rs 405/= for Revival of Registration)at the time of submission hardcopy of admission for those who have to submit the migration or revival certificate.
Production of an affidavit stating following :
I am not on rolls of any Institution; All the submitted certificates/documents are genuine; I have not availed the benefit of the reserved category certificate for pursuing any PG Programme earlier (if seeking admission under Reserved Category); I shall strictly adhere to the rules and regulations of the University in toto; I understand that in case of any misinformation or concealment of any information or indiscipline, my admission to the programme shall be cancelled and I shall be subjected to legal action; I submit this affidavit under free will without any pressure, compulsion, fraud or coercion.
The affidavit is to be submitted with the hardcopy of the admission form. The candidates seeking admission under any Reserved Category shall be regularized subject to the genuineness of the category certificate by the competent authority.
The candidates seeking admission under OSJ Category attach the attested copy of their Adhaar Card. Candidates can choose study centre/contact centre as per their own choice and feasibility however, change of study centre/contact is not allowed later on.
Candidates are advised to choose the language paper carefully for B.ED 2nd semester. Change of language paper is not permissible in any case later on. Candidates are advised to go through the detailed syllabi of B.Ed. which is available on the official website of the DDE before submitting their language paper choice.
The learning material of the programme is also available on the DDE website. However, in the language papers Directorate provides learning material only in Teaching of English/Urdu/Hindi papers presently. The admission fee for the B.Ed. 1st and 2nd semester is to be deposited in any finacle branch of Jammu and Kashmir Bank and the fee has been fixed as 15000/-.
Important Note: Candidates must ensure that the details in the admission form are exactly as per your certificates/documents; otherwise it may lead to cancellation of the form.
Important Downloads
Detailed Syllabi: Download Here
Eligibility Form Download here
Application form for Re-vival of Registration Download here
Admission form for B.ED Programme session 2020; Dated: 9-8-2021