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JKPSC Jobs Recruitment 2021

JKPSC Jobs Recruitment 2021

Applications through online mode are invited from the applicants who are domiciled in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir possessing the Prescribed/Academic professional qualification and age for the post of Physical Training Instructor, in terms of J&K (Gazetted) College Service Recruitment Rules of 2008 notified vide SRO 423 of 208

amended vide SRO-124 dated 21.4.2014 and “Jammu & Kashmir Probationer (Conduct of Service, Pay & Allowance) and Fixation of Tenure Rules, 2020” notified vide S.O. 192 of 2020 dated: 17.06.2020 and the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (Business and Procedure) Rules, 2021.


  • Name of Post: Physical Training Instructor.
  • No. of Posts: 53.
  • Salary: Pay Band 15600 – 39,100+AGP Rs. 6000
  • Online Apply Date: 23.08.2021.
  • Last Date: 22.09.2021.
  • Official Website:
  • Edit Online Application: 25.09.2021 – 27.09.2021.



a) A Master’s Degree in Physical Education or Master’s Degree in Sports Science with at least 55% marks (50%

excluding any grace marks, in case of ST/SC/Differently abled) (Physically and Visually differently-abled)

Categories/ Ph.D degree holders, who have obtained their Master’s Degree prior to 19th September 1991 or an

equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed with a consistently good academic record.

b) Has represented the University/College at the inter-university/collegiate competition or the State and/or

national championship.


c) The candidate must have cleared NET/SLET/SET conduct ted by the U7GS, CSIR /AIU.

d) passed the physical fitness test as per standards prescribed here under:



12 Minute Run/Walk test


Upto 30 year of age 1800 metre

Upto 40 years of age 1500 metre

Upto 45 year of age 1200 metre



8 Minute Run/Walk test


Upto 30 year of age 1000 metre

Upto 40 years of age 800 metre

Upto 45 year of age 600 metre


Provided that a candidate who is required to undertake the physical fitness test shall produce a medical certificate

certifying to the effect that he/she is medically fit for undertaking such test, before actually undertaking the said test.


e) The candidates who are, or have been awarded a Ph.D degree in accordance with the University Grants

Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Aware of Ph.D degree regulations), 2009 shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET.




Official Notification: CLICK HERE



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