SKIMS Soura Jobs Recruitment 2021 for Various Posts
JOBS : ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE : Extra Mural Research Project “Prevalence of Sub-Clinical Thiamine Deficiency Among Exclusively Breastfed Infants in Kashmir Valley”
Applications on plain paper (duly affixed with passport size Photograph) are invited from
eligible candidates along with the relevant documents for the following post purely on
temporary basis, Initially for a period of one (01) year for extra mural research project entitled
“Prevalence of subclinical thiamine deficiency among exclusively breastfed infants in Kashmir
Check out full Notification Here
The applications along with relevant documents may be submitted to the office of the
undersigned (Room no. 10 old library SKIMS Srinagar) within Seven (07) days from the date of publication of this notice. The interview of the short listed candidates will be conducted on a
sultable date. The candidates will be informed accordingly.
Terms and conditions:
post will be filled up purely on temporary basis. The selected candidate shall have no claim for regular engagement.
The appointment can be terminated with one-month notice from either side without assigning any reason.
No TA / DA etc. shall be given to attend the interview or Joining of the post. Candidate should
make his / her own arrangement to appear in the Interview.
Qualification and experience, if any, should be from any government recognized Institute.
The selected candidate shall have to execute an affidavit from 1* Class magistrate that he/ she
will not claim for permanent appointment after the completion of the project.
6. Experience shall be counted only after completion of minimum education qualification. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification doesn’t guarantee for the Interview call and selection.