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Govt Dental College & Hospital, Shireen Bagh Srinagar Advertisement Notification

Govt Dental College & Hospital, Shireen Bagh Srinagar Job Recruitment Notification 


Online applications from the domicile of Union Territory of J&K are invited from the Dental Graduates who have completed their internship from the recognized

Dental Institutions and have valid registration with the Dental Council for the tenure post of full-time House Surgeons for a period of “ONE YEAR” on consolidated stipend as per normsin the following disciplines against the likely vacancies due to completion of tenure by the existing batch (annual) as shown below or any vacancy that may arise within

three months from the date ofissuance of merit list as such:-

The application process shall be completed/ submitted in the ONLINE mode only. In this regard, applicants may visit the official website of this institution

( for submission of their application forms. The applicants are advised to upload the following documents duly self-attested.


The link for online application will be available from 23-12-0210 12-01-2022 upto 03:00 PM. 



80 Degree/Provisona Certificate Intemship Completion Certificate Attempt Certificate of BDS 1% Year BDS Marks Certificate 2 Year BS Marks Certificate 3 Year BDS Marks Certificate 4″ Year BDS Marks Certificate (if any) Final Year BDS Marks Certificate

Valid Dental Council Registration Certificate


Upto date Renewal of Valid Dental Council

Undertaking in the shape of Affidavit duly attested by the 17 Class Magistrate that he/she has not done House Job in any Institution (in any specialty) and shall not involve himself/herself in any strike. Cr AR. 7 I [नगाएवनज ना. जज कु I

Certificate of Prizes, Medals, Honors, National Scholarship, Awards etc (Ifa 7

Certificate of Extracurricular activities/Sports, if any issued by the competent authority (if any)




The date for examination of House Jobshall be notified separatelyand will also be available on official website of this institution (

Check out full Notification Here



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