JKBOPEE Conduct Of Allotment Counselling (Physical) For Admission To M.Sc Nursing Courses-2021
Tele/Fax: 0194-2433590, 2437647 (Srinagar): 0191-2479371, 2470102 (Jammu)
website: http://www.jkbopee.gov.in/www.jakbopee.org, email: heipdeskiakbopeeggmail.com/ [email protected]
SUBJECT: Conduct of allotment counselling (physical) for admission to M.Sc. Nursing courses-2021.
REFERENCE: i) Notification No: 98-BOPEE of 2021 dated 28-09-2021.
ii) Notice No: 071-BOPEE of 2021 dated 13-10-2021.
iii) Notification No: 116-BOPEE of 2021 dated 03-11-2021
NOTIFICATION No: 136 -BOPEE of 2021 DATED: 01-12-2021.
In pursuance of Notification No. 116-BOPEE of 2021 dated 03-11-2021, where under the Board has notified Provisional Merit list of candidates,
who have applied for admission to M.Sc Nursing Courses 2021 wherein candidates have been advised to submit their objection/deficient
documents physically at BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar up to 08-11-2021. In response to this, the Board received objections/documents which were examined and the merit list was accordingly updated which forms Annexure “A” to this Notification and is available on official websiteof BOPEE www.jkbopee.gov.in only.
Now, it is hereby notified for information of all the eligible concerned candidates that the Board shall conduct Physical Round of Counselling
for candidates who figure in Annexure “A” to this Notification and shall be held as per the following schedule: –
Date: Tuesday, 07-12-2021
Counselling Schedule: Rank 01-172
1. Candidates shall have to report at BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar physically for registration/attendance & fulfillment of other formalities between 12:00 ‘O’ Clock to 01:00 P.M on above day/date.
2. Candidates are advised to bring their Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent Authority along with other relevant Certificates/
documents as applicable which are to be presented at the time of Counselling.
3. The Board reserves the right to notify any changes as may become necessary in view of any technical difficulty or the reasons beyond its control.
4. All the candidates who will report for physical counselling at BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar are advised to adhere strictly to the SOP’s/
guidelines issued by the Government of J&K from time to time regarding COVID-19
5. The seat matrix shall be uploaded separately in due course of time before counselling.
6. For latest updates related to the counselling and availability of seats, the candidates are advised to remain in touch with the website of
the Board(www.jkbopee.gov.in).
The other terms and conditions shall remain the same as notified in various Notifications /Notices issued by the Board in this regard from
time to time.
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