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Govt of J&K official Order Regarding Re-Opening of Schools

Subject: Re-opening of Schools in Union Territory of J&K –


reg.Reference: Government Order No. 15-JK (DMRRR) of 2022, dated: 13.2.2022 issued by

D/o Department of Disaster Management, RRR, J&K.

Government Order No: 72 – JK(Edu ) of 2022

Dated: 16.2.2022



It is hereby ordered that all Government Schools including recognised Private

Schools of JKUT, shall be physically opened for academic activities subject to adherence to SoPs as per following schedule:-



a) All Summer Zone Schools in J&K shall open in a phased manner. Classes from 9 to

12th can commence routine offline teaching from 14.2.2022. All the students of 15-

17 age group coming to attend regular offline classes must carry a vaccination

certificate with them. Head of Institutions must ensure vaccination of every student

above 15 years of age in their respective Institutions. The vaccination adherence

shall be ensured through coordination with the Department of Health and Medical

Education J&K. Every School must further ensure full compliance to COVID

appropriate behavior and SOPs. They must also ensure screening and testing of any

symptomatic students to contain any possibility of spread.



b) The offline mode of teaching for remaining junior classes in Summer Zone Schools

shall begin from 21.2.2022. Head of Institution shall be responsible for adherence to

COVID appropriate behavior in their respective schools and prepare proper plans for the same.



The Winter Zone Schools of J&K shall commence offline teaching for all classes after

28th of February 2022. The Head of the Institutions must ensure that guidelines

related to vaccination for students above 15 years, social distancing norms and

COVID appropriate behavior (CAB) are followed strictly including regular screening

c)at the entrance of the Institution.Further, SOPs/guidelines notified by D/o (SE&L), Ministry of Education, Gol, dated 17.12.2021 & instructions issued by Government from time to time for re-opening of

schools are mandatory for students, teachers and head of schools. In addition, Standard

Operating procedure (SOP)/guidelines are annexed in addition to suggestions of District Disaster Management Authorities.



By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir

Sd/-(B K. Singh),Principal Secretary to Government/school Education DepartmentNo: Edu/NC-SE/e-24285/2021 Dated:16.2.2022


Copy to:

1. Joint Secretary J&K, Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI New Delhi

2. Secretray to Governmemt, Department of (DMRRR) J8K.



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