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JKSSB issued List of Candidates Called for Document Verification for the Post of Junior Assistants & Other Posts, Check Here

J&K SERVICES SELECTION BOARD,Hema Complex, Adjacent to Gauri Shanker Mandir,Channi Himmat, Sect 03, Jammu.(


Notification Subject: Document Verification of the candidates falling under

consideration zone for the posts of Junior Assistant, Cadrex

Clerk, Casher, Jr Assistant /Computer-cum-Jr Assistant/Clerk/Store Attendant and Welfare Organizer, UT Cadre,Divisional Cadres and various Districts, advertised vide

Advertisement Notification Nos 04, 05, 06 and 07 of 2020 and

01, 02 and 03 of 2021 w.e.f 20-01-2022 to 24-01-2022-




The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board vide this office notice

no. SSB/COE/CBT/2022/2893-2900 dated 19-03-2022 issued merit List of candidates

for the posts of Junior Assistant, Cadrex Clerk, Casher, Jr Assistant/Computer-cum-Jr Assistant/ Clerk/Store Attendant and Welfare

Organizer, UT Cadre, Divisional Cadres and various Districts, advertised

vide Advertisement Notification Nos 04, 05, 06 and 07 of 2020 and 01, 02

and 03 of 2021 w.e.f 20-01-2022 to 24-01-2022.

Keeping in view the need and object, to fill all requisitioned vacancies/posts, the candidates falling in consideration zone and figuring in Annexure “A” to

this notification are hereby called to appear physically for Document Verification before

the designated Document Verification Committees w.e.f. 05-04-2022 onwards as

per the dates/time shown against each in the Jammu and Kashmir Services

Selection Board, Divisional Office , Sehkari Bhawan, Rail Head Complex,

Jammu (Jammu Roll No Based Candidates) and in the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board, Central Office, Zum Zum Building Rambagh,

Srinagar (Kashmir Roll No Based Candidates).



The candidates who fail to appear before the respective Document Verification committee(s) on the scheduled dates shall forfeit their claim for the post

at a later stage. Further, the multiple items for which the candidates falling in

consideration zone have been considered is annexed as Annexure “B” for convenience/reference of the candidates.



(i) The candidates figuring the annexures annexed herewith are required to carry the following documents in original as well as photocopies of the

following documents i.e.


  • (i) Copy of Online Application form.
  • (ii) D.O.B Certificate (10th Diploma /Marks card).
  • (iii)Reservation category certificate, if applicable.
  • (iv)Domicile certificate.
  • (v) 10+2 Marks sheet /Diploma.
  • (vi)Graduation Marksheet/Degree.
  • (vii) Bonafide certificate on the format prescribed by the Board
  • duly issued by the Controller /Registrar of the concerned
  • University in respect of candidates, who have obtained
  • degrees from the Universities/ Colleges/Institutes
  • outside the State of J&K, other than Central Universities
  • (viii) Other documents as per prescribe qualification shown in
  • the advertisement.
  • (ii) Some candidates are figuring in reserved categories, based on the details
  • they have incorporated in their data i.e., online application form.
  • Their respective claims on this account are further subject to production of valid Reserve Category Certificate


By Order.(Ashok Kumar) JKAS

Controller of ExaminationNo.SSB/COE/2022/3491-98 Dated:-30-03.2022



Check out full Notification /List Here 



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