JKBOSE 12th Revaluation Result 2023 Declared (Jammu & Kashmir)
JKBOSE 12th Revaluation Result 2023 Declared (Jammu & Kashmir)
Further to the Higher Secondary Part Two examination results, the following roll numbers’ results are amended/revised/declared as hereunder:
The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has officially announced the revaluation results for Class 12th 2023, specifically for regular students in the soft and hard zones of the Jammu & Kashmir. Aspiring students who had requested revaluation of their JKBOSE 12th result 2023 can now access their results on the official website: jkbose.nic.in.
12th Revaluation Kashmir(1): click here
12th Revaluation Kashmir(2): Click here