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SKIMS Soura Fresh job Recruitment 2024

Government of Jammu & Kashmir Sheri-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura

Department of Medical Oncology



Applications are invited for the following post purely on temporary basis for a period of Of year /duration of the project for ICMR tunded project under National Health Research Priority entitled, “Designing


SNo. Position and Implementation of health care model in patients with stage-2 breast cancer”

Qualification required

No. of posts Remuneration





Scientist-l (Medical)

Essential Qualification:

MBBS from a recognized university

Desirable: Candidate with experience in medical oncology surveys will be preferred

Project Nurse-ll Three Ycar General Nursing & amp; Midwife (GNM) course with 1st Division from Govt. recognized institute.


Three Year General Nursing &amp, Midwife (GNM) course with 2nd Division + 1 year experience from Govt. recognized institute.

Desirable Candidate with relevant experience will be preferred

01 As per 1CMR guidelines
Technical support stafi-Ill: 10+2 + Diploma (MLT/ DMLT/ITI) with two years’ experience in reievant subject/ field. 01
Data Entry


10+2 with Three-year diploma in Computer applications/Bachelor of Computer Applications or equivalent

Desirable: Candidate with 2 years of experience will be preferred)



How to apply:

Applications as per the attached format with the self-attested copies of certificates/documents shall reach the office of undersigned (State Cancer Institute, I* floor, Room No. 103) up to 21* January 2024. (Application form to be downloaded from SKIMS website without complete documents will not be entertained.

The terms & conditions for the post are as follows: –

  1. The posts will be filled up purely on temporary basis,
  2. The appointment can be terminated with one-month notice from cither side without assigning any reason
  3. Since the post is purely temporary, the candidates selected will have no claim for regular appointments under the above project or continuation of his/her services in any other project. Also the candidate cannot claim for any regular appointment at this Institute after termination of the project.
  4. NO TA/DA etc. will be given to attend the Interview or joining of post and candidate should make his/ber own arrangement for stay for interview and joining of post.

5, Qualification and experience should be from any Govt. recognized reputed organization.

  1. Experience will be counted only after completion of minimum education qualification.
  2. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee for the interview call and selection.
  3. Separate application should be submitted for each post.


Dean Medical Faculty, SKIMS

2. SE EC & IT SKIMS with a request to upload the same on SKIMS Website

Dr. Syed Nisar Ahmed

Principal Investigator

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